I want to use for a subject today the last days I believe firmly well that we are living at the very closing days of this age [Music] I believe Jesus Christ is coming very soon and I would hope to give you what I.
Believe God has given me to this is [Music] bow your heads please their heavenly father as I come into your presence I pray for every man woman boy and girl in this stadium and the hundreds of millions that watched by television yes.
Not only anoint me to preach this message but I ask that you were to Northeast people to hear and receive your message dear heavenly father help us to glorify Jesus Christ we must decrease while you increase it in the name of Jesus and everyone said amen and amen amen.
Some time ago I was asked to address a group of preachers in the city of Washington DC is Washington these were to be some of the most powerful preachers in the United States of America is America as I was seeking God asking him for direction as to what I should preachers the spirit of God spoke these words to.
My heart he said you tell them this foreign there would be many powerful preachers there is there would be some Congressional leaders from American government he said you tell them this is everything that has happened all over the world the military.
Militar the economics Brazil um political structure is all of it has been directed by the Holy Spirit he said you tell them it has been directed for one purpose and that is to bring all things to a.
Conclusion tell them it is Harvest Time Jesus Christ I am going to pour out my spirit all over the world you tell them I'm going to open doors and nations of the world that have been closed for centuries I will do it in the hard places of the earth IL foreign my [Music] my planet.
[Music] [Music] I have spoken the words foreign he said you tell them it won't be very long until I'm coming it is much closer than the world thinks.
My coming is even at the door I'm here tell them to prepare Jesus tell the churches to get ready for I'm coming back after a glorious Church a church without spotter wrinkles I want to tell you this today Brazil is going to play a great part in.
This last great day out foreign [Music] because this is the greatest concentration of Pentecostals in the world this is the greatest concentration is the greatest concentration of the outpouring of the Holy Ghost.
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Of Any Nation on the face of the Earth - Teologia
[Music] Hallelujah there are millions of Brazilians that know how to pray you're saved by the blood of Jesus filled with the Holy Ghost says the spirit of sand you know how to touch God you believe that God is a god of.Miracles and I'm asking you to pray for Jimmy Swaggart pray for our telecasts as it goes out all over the world pray with the Holy Ghost spiritual that God will use it mightily you have the power you have the anointing you have the touch of God.
Tell the devil Satan cannot have Brazil Brazil belongs to Jesus Christ Brazil belongs to Jesus Christ [Applause] Brazil [Music].
For me oh [Applause] glory to God Gloria Deus God given out pouring of the Holy ghosts he said you tell the world that I'm coming soon cry aloud lift up your voice.
Tell them I'm coming Jesus [Music] there are three times in the Bible that the Holy Spirit uses the words he is the last days now many of you but television would ask me this question.
What do we mean by the last days what am I talking about the Bible means this and it cannot lie yes according to the Fulfillment of prophecies and it would pay you to listen very carefully there are hundreds of prophecies in this Bible it is the word of the Lord.
Those prophecies have never failed estas they have come to pass exactly as God said they would and here is what the word says about the last day it says that any moment at any day at any time the Trump of God could take place the Saints could come from the grave.
Shall instantly be glorified it's called The Rapture of the church corruption will put on incorruptions I want to say that again offer at any moment the Rapture could take place and when it happens we shall be changed.
Mortality will put on immortality and the headlines of the newspapers in Brazil and America in America and Australia in Australia and Bolivia in a Bolivia and the whole world and the television they're going to say tens of millions disappeared hundreds of millions disappears.
Jesus has come back Jesus - Teologia
Foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's what the Bible says is going to happen.Immediately following the Rapture of the church Jesus said Great Tribulation such as the world has never known before is coming [Music] it is going to be so horrifying that the words cannot explain it [Music] Jesus said great tribulations he said there shall be Sands in the Sun.
The moon and the stars and upon the Earth distress of Nations the Sea and the waves roaring US men's Hearts failing them for Fears for looking after those things that are coming upon the Earth for the powers of Heaven shall be shaken.
I want to make this prediction to in the very near future the planetary bodies are going to be affected worse than ever us planetarium earthquakes all over the world the Bible says will become worse and worse tidal waves will become worse.
The Bible said catastrophe like the Earth has never known before that is what is coming on this planet and then after that is over Jesus Christ will come and set his feet on this planet he will take control of planet Earth he will rule it forever is.
So these are the three words that the Bible tells us will take place when we get near the end this is what it says will happen now listen carefully to me he said in Acts chapter 2 verses 17 and 18. in the last days.
In the last days in the last days I will pour out of my spirit upon All Flesh the greatest Holy Ghost revivals the world has ever known um these revivals will take place this is what we're living in now and I want you to hear me he said toward the end.
[Music] [Music] that's what the Bible says that's what God has told me he said I will fill them with my spirit he said the Holy Ghost will flow like a river Holy Spirit Come on real it will not be like a.
Trickling stream but it will be like a river myself foreign [Music] [Music] I was in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania a short time ago.
And God said this to me follow us in he said you are going to see tens of thousands filled with a spirit in these meetings [Music] you're going to see it like you've never witnessed it before and I want you to feel that your character I want every preacher to feel them believe God for great things [Music].
It is about to happen the greatest move of God the world has ever known um I'm going to tell you why we have these holy spirit rallies the one that will start tomorrow night because God told me to do it he said wherever you go all over the world foreign.
Give the Lord a hand to praise foreign [Music] [Music] [Music].
And he's powerful he's greater than the Devil he's greater than hell he's greater than the demon Spirits nothing can stand before himself preachers you need the Holy Ghost Stories people you need the Holy Ghost.
It is the greatest thing that heaven has he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost [Music] that's what John says he is coming his name is Jesus he's mightier than he'll baptize You by Jesus with the Holy Ghost.
Say on foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] the Bible says some perilous days are coming.
Perilous times are coming all over the world and I'm going to tell you why it's coming he said men shall be lovers of their own selves proud blasphemers disobedient to parents Blasphemous unthankful and Unholy without natural affection transgressors and accusers.
The spices of those that are gone having a form of godliness he said in the last days the church will get cold they will deny by the power of almighty God they will deny the manifestation of the spirit they will deny the outpouring of the.
Holy Ghost in America today most of the churches have denied the Holy Spirit they have a form of godliness but they deny the power of God self-love has become the order of the day man thinks he's Superman um.
And God said when this happens perilous times will come Jesus it will be a sign of the last day the only protection is the word of God she said in the last days perilous times he said one more thing do you see in the last days I'll pour out my spirit in the last days perilous times shall come.
And he said in the latter times in the last day many shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils so that's what the holy spirit said this is the most dangerous hour the church has ever known and that includes the church in Brazil.
Is you must stay anchored in the world if the preacher preaches something that's not in this Bible don't listen to him don't follow him no Sega do not heed him the word must be Paramount the word is the foundation [Music].
Isha I'll build my church The Rock is Jesus and Jesus is the word in the beginning what's the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God this will stand communism may go down but this will stand democracy may go down.
But this will stand foreign [Music] this is a ocean your only anchor Today is this Bible I want you to listen very carefully to me stay in this word.
I was so very happy just this week when I went into the Publishing House of the Assemblies of God foreign [Music] foreign [Music].
[Music] glory to God Gloria Hills [Music] [Music] [Music].
Because God has told me put the television program everywhere Jesus take the Crusades everywhere leave it's almost over Heaven is getting ready the Trump of God's about to sign I'm coming back from my church I'm coming back from my people we're nearing it's the last days.
Let me ask you this question is are you ready have you accepted Jesus Christ as your savior he's the only hope a storm is coming to this world it's about to break at any time foreign [Music].
[Music] [Music] as I close this message today he's over a hundred years of age he stands there that day and he writes the last words of the book.
Words [Music] even so come quickly Lord Jesus even so come quickly even so come quickly Zeus would you bow your heads please dearest Heavenly Father by Celestial as we come to you.
CLique no Link do Vídeo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igiBgWYcxyk
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